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Tytuł pozycji:

Urban fantasy — literatura Niewidocznego

Urban fantasy — literatura Niewidocznego
Urban fantasy — A Literature of the Unseen
Ekman, Stefan
Wąsowicz, Magdalena
Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta
Data publikacji:
urban fantasy
suburban fantasy
the unseen
dark fantasy
paranormal romance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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This article analyses the nature of urban fantasy by aggregating the claims, suggestions, and observations made by several different accounts of what urban fantasy is. These accounts comprise six scholarly sources and four sources written by people who are producers and purveyors of urban fantasy. An eleventh “account” is made up of the impressions conveyed by a vast number of book covers identified through Google Image Search. These eleven accounts are analysed with regard to their views on worlds and settings, cities and urbanity, central characters, and the sources of fantastic elements. Finally, the article presents how three major threads in the accounts reveal that urban fantasy has a central, thematic concern with the Unseen. This Unseen is largely related to a social Other that portrays unpleasant aspects of urban life, such as criminality, homelessness, addiction, prostitution, and physical and sexual abuse.

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